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- Y! S4 _/ F, S- p- t, B( q- H2 j' Q/ i2 E, `# j) `: `6 K3 R
Hello everyone, we are “YouKnow” Fansub Group.8 X4 M8 c- s6 q
Firstly, we would like to thank hikiko for his selfless sharing over the years and wish him all
; s f" n% V3 gthe best.
+ ~# Q" M; |+ W- z, G9 XSince there have been no shared resources for the past two months, we have decided to purchase
2 t8 ]5 l: U7 B( Yand release them on our website ourselves. However, as a non-profit organization, the monthly3 D h- y4 ?; ~2 O/ n
expense of at least 40,000 yen is becoming difficult to sustain in the long run.
: o# y+ ?9 o( Z: t/ b) UTherefore, following the suggestions from our enthusiastic viewers and discussions among our
# q( Q2 g& U+ ]- C# v' i3 Jmembers, we have decided to open a Patreon account. We hope everyone can join us in this$ M: v; G3 h& q, g* r3 ?* k
effort.$ N6 N b. `" z
I don’t know how much we can collect or how long we can keep this up. But we guarantee that! g1 x( P8 S5 q+ ]! n4 b
all funds will be used exclusively for purchasing relevant works, and we will not accept any, m2 k1 d s7 L1 u2 T
sponsorships with attached advertisements or conditions.. _; R( i8 e8 u* l( ] ?( D
Please refer to the Patreon page for participation details. If you have any other questions, please
, x+ J2 B9 _' u8 Y2 Jcontact us via email or Telegram. 大家好,我们是知名不具字幕组。7 H9 W, B) A& Z" }4 ?/ L
首先感谢 hikiko 多年来的无私分享,希望他一切安好。4 p V4 R2 j8 [+ Q
: x* O- P5 G3 R* F5 U8 `4 F但作为一个非盈利性组织,每个月至少 40,000yen 的支出长期来看有些难以承担。
- E$ c1 u4 p O" n. v* w" t所以在热心观众的建议及组内成员讨论后,我们决定开通 Patreon,希望大家能够一起4 E& v: T/ w `- J! c% O) u( U! W0 V& H
和我们做下去。; O! l) @$ }& w# [+ F# |+ l# B
我们不知道这能筹集到多少,也不知道能坚持多久。但我们保证相关资金会完全用于购* G( P2 I8 L, i6 y H3 Q( Z- D, D7 C
买相关作品,同时不接受任何附带广告等条件的赞助。; F7 y) Z# O P0 b+ k7 n) R- b
参与方法请参照 Patreon 页面。如果你有其他问题请通过邮件或 TG 联系我们。
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