
標題: 【转自tg吧】十佳与十渣邦车 [打印本頁]

作者: ♂淡定漂过    時間: 2015-7-19 21:59
標題: 【转自tg吧】十佳与十渣邦车
After 50 years and 23 films, including the forthcomingSkyfall, James Bond has driven some pretty fantastic automobiles — notto mention boats, airplanes, tanks and an alligator submarine. We've alreadyhighlighted the 10 Best JamesBond Cars.
At the same time, however, there have been somestinkers. Some on this 10 Worst list are just terrible cars, period. In somecases, though, that terribleness actually served a purpose. Morecontroversially, there are good cars on here that were inappropriately orpoorly used.
In order to put together this list, though, we had toask ourselves the question: "What is a Bond Car?" Does it need to bea featured star like the Aston Martin DB5 or Lotus Esprit? Does it simply meanthat James Bond at some point had to drive it? Or is just being in a Bond filmenough? We just answered yes to all of the above.
Now, you may notice that Ford is heavily representedon this list, but that's simply because of the long-standing product placementrelationship between Ford Motor Company and Eon Productions, the makers of theJames Bond films. The Mustang and Cougar on the Best list certainly balancethings out. Having said that, the worst Bond car ever is...
现在你也许发现Ford在本榜中戏份很重,只是因为Ford与制片方Eon Productions的经久绵长。Mustang与Cougar作为佳车榜的一员已经抵消了不顺。长篇大论后,最渣邦车是…...

作者: ♂淡定漂过    時間: 2015-7-19 22:00
1.Ford LTD — A View to a Kill
Do we really need to explain whyJames Bond driving a Ford LTD in A View to a Kill might be a problem?It's a Ford LTD, and unlike some other stinkers on this list, there wasn't evena good reason for it to be there — not for irony, not to perform a specificstunt. Nope, it was just horrible and James Bond was driving it. Though to befair, it was perhaps slightly appropriate for 58-year-old Roger Moore, who lookedoverdue for his admittance into the Double-O section of the Shady AcresRetirement Village.

我们真的需要解释为何007在雷霆杀机里驾驶LTD是个问题吗?这是台LTD,而不同于其他上榜的渣车,这车上这榜都是个问题。不用来讽刺,不演特技。不,这就是台007开的渣车。公平点说,还是有点适合年方58的Roger Moore的,一位进入破烂的退休公寓的00特工区都有些过时的人。
作者: ♂淡定漂过    時間: 2015-7-19 22:01
1. Aston Martin Vanquish — Die Another Day
True, the Vanquish is a classic separate of any Bondaffiliation. Yes, it's an Aston Martin, which goes with 007 like shaken vodkamartinis and Walther PPKs. This particular Vanquish was even packed with moregadgets and gizmos than any Bond car before it. Except that's the problem —there comes a point when you go way too far.
With its ejector seat, multiple grille-mountedmissiles and automated machine guns, the Vanquish from Die Another Daywas already an über-caricature of what people think a Bond car should be. Then,in one of the biggest jump-the-shark moments of this 50-year-old film series,the Vanquish went where no Bond car has gone before by including a cloakingdevice. (For those uninitiated to Star Trek references, that means itcan disappear.) Sorry, but Romulan technology has no business in a James Bondcar. The Vanquish was ultimately indicative of the over-the-top caricature of aBond movie it was in.

Aston Martin Vanquish-择日而亡
作者: ♂淡定漂过    時間: 2015-7-19 22:01
1. Citroen 2CV — For Your Eyes Only
Without question, this is the worst vehicle on thelist from a stock automotive perspective. The "Deux Chevaux," as it'snicknamed, was indeed a horrific car — France's answer to the VW Beetle — butthat was actually the point. One of the reasons James Bond has lasted 50 yearson screen is that its filmmakers have had the good sense to recognize when theseries ventured too far into the realm of science fiction and brought it backdown to Earth (literally, in this case) to 007's more serious, literary roots.Just see the previous entry's film and its follow-up, Casino Royale
After blasting off into space in Moonraker, ForYour Eyes Only was a grittier film about a British encoding machine andGreek smugglers. Gadgets were kept to a minimum and to drive home that point,the Lotus Esprit Turbo driven by Roger Moore's Bond is blown to bits just asyou think it's about to embark on the typical car chase. Instead, he's stuckdriving the Deux Chevaux owned by the crossbow-wielding Melina Havelock (CaroleBouquet). Sure, it's a terrible car, but it served a purpose.

Citroen 2CV最高机密
毫无疑问,这是车辆设计图里最次的一台。Deux Chevaux作为它的外号,着实是台垃圾。法兰西版本Beetle。而这就是问题。007能持续50年的原因之一就是制片方知道何时电影跑偏成科幻片,再让它脚踏实地。(事实上,就像这事)回到007更严肃,现实的本质。看看它前面的电影以及后生皇家赌场吧。
在进入太空的太空城之后,这是一部关于英国密码机和希腊走私犯的逼真电影。最少的装备,为了回归原点,007的Esprit Turbo在你认为会有追车戏的时候灰飞烟灭了。反而开上了挥舞十字弓的Melina Havelock 的Deux Chevaux。是的,这车很渣,但是有自己的用途。
作者: ♂淡定漂过    時間: 2015-7-19 22:02
4. AMC Hornet — The Man With the Golden Gun
AMC Hornet seems to be the most frequently mentioned vehicle when it comes tothe worst Bond cars. Certainly, 007 should not be driving anything made byAmerican Motors. Yet, its placement in The Man With the Golden Gun wassimilar to that of the Citroen Deux Chevaux — except from a productionstandpoint instead of a story one.
Director Guy Hamilton came across an AMC-sponsoredstunt performed at the Astrodome that involved a Javelin driving up an angledramp, rotating 360 degrees like a football and coming down on its wheels on anoppositely angled ramp. The stunt was the first of its kind, as it was devisedby a Cornell engineer using a computer to precisely calculate the needed speedand ramp angles necessary to achieve the stunt. Computers were fanciful stuffback in 1974, and since those calculations indicated a specially modified AMCHornet would be safest, opting for a more 007-appropriate car was not possible.To explain this odd vehicle choice, Bond steals the Hornet from a Bangkok AMC dealer(those didn't actually exist) to track down the villain in what is admittedly apretty good chase.
Perhaps that would make some rethink its place on theworst list, but then Hamilton did ruin the stunt by playing a cheeseball pennywhistle over a slow-motion profile shot.

导演Guy Hamilton在斗兽场遇到将Javelin开上斜坡,像足球一样滚一圈后落在反向斜坡上的AMC赞助特技。这是史上第一个此类特技。由Cornell的工程师用电脑精准计算所需速度,斜坡角度来完成特技。1974年电脑是新新科技,计算指出特制的Hornet最保险,换成更詹士邦的车显然没戏。为了让这个奇葩选择合理,007化身GTA主角突破曼谷AMC 4S店(然而并没有这种店)来上演一场着实精彩的追车。
作者: ♂淡定漂过    時間: 2015-7-19 22:02
5. AMC Matador — The Man With the Golden Gun
Terrible movie, terrible cars. Why not put them back to back? True, this wasn'tactually driven by Bond himself. Had it been, the AMC Matador would be therunaway No. 1 here. But even though it was actually driven by villain FranciscoScaramanga with his diminutive henchman Nick Nack riding shotgun, the Matador'swretched, butt-ugly awfulness is more than enough to place it on this or anyother worst list. Let's also not forget that Scaramanga was an assassin who got$1 million per pop and lived on his own island. You'd think he could step upfrom a Matador?
To put lipstick on a pig, though, the Bond filmmakershad the bright idea to turn the Matador into a flying car. Unlike the amazingon-screen transformation accomplished three years later by the Lotus Esprit in TheSpy Who Loved Me, the Matador's huge yellow wing assembly and jet engineare entirely attached off camera and implied through editing. Once"transformed" and ready for takeoff, it also became one of the leastbelievable scale models in series history.

AMC Matador-金枪客

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