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The introduction of Australia Luxurious brand UGG

熱度 1已有 564 次閱讀2011-10-8 20:59 | Australia, Ugg, boots

Ugg, with a legendary brand, the first sight Ugg boots for both the snow Ugg stupid cartoon of appearance is not too cold, and is such a boots, because a lot of Europe and the street pats all have enough star Ugg boots up snow handsome appearance and sweep the Europe and America, the earth away the Ugg the popular wind continues to explode, in Japan, Taiwan Ugg has a lot of fans.

Ugg boots on Australian history of sheep dates back to the 1978 years, called a Brian Smith of Australian young surfing member once brought a group of sheep leather boots to the United States. In the past a lot of years, the craftsman has been used to Australia in New Zealand the sheep sewing leather boots, however, is the young man with the business mind bold attempt will this Australia traditional products to the United States.

At that time, he had only a few double Ugg boots outlet with full of sheep, blood and confident, began to peddle on the streets of New York. However, the start, he has not been so good luck, one day come down, did not sell a pair of boots. However, he did not lose heart, even some that can make the stubborn. He believes that, in the United States market will have a piece of belong to his boots of heaven and earth.

Then, he decided to go to the west, to California to look for opportunities. When he arrived at the destination, and found that there has been a part of such a man as he, with similar sheep in the sea ugg boots sale. Here he head round to five business customers sold 48 boots. Of course, can say is California developed surfing market attracted these from Australia the high-quality goods of sheep leather boots. Australia Ugg boots sheep started to each surfers landed is necessary article.

Since then, Ugg Australia began to slowly from a small surfing supplies become world famous brand development of luxury brand sheep leather boots. And product line also began not limited to sheep leather boots, slowly increase the skins of high-quality goods made casual shoes, slippers, and various season shoes, recently launched a series of more handbag.


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回復 zhf497 2011-10-8 22:04

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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